
Resident doodler Michelle Russell aka Little Shell, with her signature snail, has shared oodles of doodles on The Activity Bus Facebook page.

Exploring a range of mark-making with pencil drawings, watercolours and digital illustration, her doodles have evolved into illustrating picture books, postcards and webpage affirmations.

The Activity Bus

After reading a draft copy of Names & Numbers, Bethan and Alya began to draw their own buses.

To their surprise, their pictures would feature in the picture book.

A friendly wave from over the road.

While a convoy of trucks arrived, with its’ exciting load.

The Activity Bus
The Activity Bus

It’s Grand to Share a Story, especially one with a Grandparent or two.

Author of the Wonky Donkey thought it was ‘Hee-Hawesome’.

A family heirloom , hiding away, revealed by chance on a clumsy day.

The Activity Bus
The Activity Bus

A celebration of dance,

Music to put you in a trance.

Capturing movement - a step, a sway.

Imagination & pens - it’s time to play.

A mixture of flavours mix and meet.

Delicious jam to spread and eat,

Another jam - a one that’s heard,

A story, a song, a time that’s shared.

The Activity Bus
The Activity Bus

A mindless walk of a line, discovering a
doodle yet to be revealed.

A repetition of movements, becoming
smoother as the skill is sealed.

A skilful mark, with a picture in mind.

Illustrations in a book, you will find.